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2019 Tax Reform Calculator

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2 min read

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on February 16, 2018. While the comparison feature of our  tax reform tax calculator is no longer available, you can still receive insights on how tax reform may affect your refund or balance due. Check out our tax refund calculator today.

We understand the confusion and questions that follow major tax law changes. From the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) to sharing the possible impact of other tax laws, we can help prepare you for all that comes your way.

Tax Reform Impact Calculator Helps Identify What’s Relevant

Due to the sweeping updates included in the TCJA, many taxpayers were left wondering if basic credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or unreimbursed employee business expenses are still available to claim.

Even though it’s the second tax season under the new TCJA rules, you may still be getting used to understanding how the changes affect your taxes. That’s where our tax reform calculator comes in.

With our calculator, the impact of tax reform is built into the relevant questions as well as the credit and deduction amounts. For example, the tax reform refund calculator knows to use the updated amount for the Child Tax Credit if you’re claiming your children on your taxes.

One difference with our new tax reform calculator is that you can now choose to get a quick calculation or use your W-2 information to get a more refined tax outcome estimate. If you don’t have time to finish your calculation, the tax reform calculator will let you save your work for later.

Beyond the 2019 Tax Reform Refund Calculator

Our goal is to help you answer as many questions as possible prior to completing your tax return, so you don’t encounter any surprises when it’s time to file. If you’re looking for more information beyond our tax reform calculator, we’ve got it. You can find a series of articles breaking out the most important tax law changes in our Tax Reform Center.

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