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Reminder: Notify Marketplace Of An Address Change

2 min read

2 min read

When you move, your to-do list is pretty stacked. You have to pack and unpack countless boxes of household items, clothes, and furniture, coordinate the moving process, and notify friends, family, the U.S. Postal Service and even the IRS of your new address.

We’re sorry to give you another item to add to your to-do list if you are currently using Marketplace insurance.

That’s right… If you’ve moved or are planning to move in the next calendar year, make sure to notify the Marketplace of your change of address!

Why Do You Have To Report The Change?

Reporting a change in address notifies the Marketplace of your new location. It also may qualify you for a special enrollment period, which would allow you to enroll in a new plan. The types of Marketplace plans available in your new area and the plan premiums will probably be different. In turn, the appropriate amount of advance payments of the premium tax credit that the government sends to your health insurer will likely change as well.

Reporting the changes in a timely manner will ensure that you’re enrolled in the right plan help you get the right kind of assistance. For instance, getting too much premium healthcare assistance means you may owe additional money or get a smaller refund when you file your taxes. On the other hand, getting too little could mean missing out on monthly premium assistance that you deserve.

If you are receiving advance payments of the premium tax credit, it is particularly important that you report the new contact information.

Other Life Changes You Should Report

In addition to an address change, let the Marketplace know about the following life changes:

  • A change in your income, including lump sum payments like a lump sum payment of Social Security benefits
  • A legal relationship change – like a divorce or marriage
  • The addition of a child – like the birth or adoption of a child
  • Starting a job with health insurance and any new eligibility to other healthcare coverage you may have.

Many of these changes in circumstances – including moving out of the area served by your current Marketplace plan – qualify you for a special enrollment period to change or get insurance through the Marketplace.

In most cases, if you qualify for the special enrollment period, you will have 60 days to enroll following the change in circumstances.

How Do You Report This Change?

You can report the change of address to the Marketplace online, via phone or in person. Follow the steps listed on Healthcare.gov.

And another reminder: Any address change should be reported to the IRS as well. Follow the steps listed here to report a change of address to the IRS.

Where to Go for More Information

View more details about the Marketplace – like eligibility, news, and resources – at HealthCare.gov. And use the IRS Premium Tax Credit Change Estimator to estimate your premium tax credit.

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