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IRS Notice CP518B – You Didn’t File a Tax Return

1 min read

1 min read

The IRS has not received a response from previous attempts to contact the business about a past-due business return. A response is required.

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Type of Notice: Late return

Most common tax problem area: Business unfiled returns

Other tax problem areas: Unpaid business taxes, Business tax penalties

Why you received IRS Notice CP518B

  1. The IRS did not receive a business tax return by the due date.
  2. The IRS sent one or more notices requesting that the return be filed, but did not receive the return.
  3. The IRS sent CP518B as a final notice to inform you that it will begin preparing a return on behalf of the business if it does not receive a response. This notice also informs you that the IRS might contact third parties to obtain and/or verify information on the business tax account.

Your options to address IRS Notice CP518B

  1. File a return
  2. Clear up an account error

Notice deadline: 10 days

If you miss the deadline: The IRS may prepare a tax return on behalf of the business and charge applicable penalties and interest on the taxes calculated.

Want more help?

See your local tax pro for a free consultation.

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