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IRS Notice LT26 – The IRS Still Hasn’t Received Your Tax Return

1 min read

1 min read

The IRS is requesting a tax return from you.

Type of Notice: Late return

Likely next step: File a return

Also see: IRS bill for unpaid taxes, IRS penalties

Why you received IRS Notice LT26

  1. The IRS did not receive a tax return from you by the due date.
  2. The IRS sent previous notices to you requesting an unfiled tax return but did not receive a response.
  3. Notice LT26 was sent to notify you have 10 days to file the return. If you do not file the return for the tax year shown on the notice, the IRS may file one for you based on income information reported to the IRS by third parties.

Notice deadline: 10 days

If you miss the deadline: The IRS may figure your tax for you for the unfiled year. Penalties and interest will apply.

Want more help?

See your local tax pro for a free consultation.

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