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CP2000 Response

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IRS Definition

Complete the CP2000 notice response form whether or not you agree or disagree with the notice, the response form explains what actions to take. (Your specific notice may not have a response form. In that case, the notice will have instructions on what to do).

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If you agree with all the proposed changes on a CP2000 notice from the IRS, you can check the appropriate box on the response portion of the notice and pay the IRS any expected balance due. You should pay as soon as possible to avoid further interest charges. Mail or fax the response to the address shown on the notice.

If you disagree with some or all of the proposed changes on a CP2000 notice, you’ll need to reply to the IRS in a clear and complete manner. Include any documents that support why you disagree. Don’t file an amended return as a response to your CP2000 notice. This will delay the processing of your response.

Many CP2000 notices contain errors. It is important to discuss this notice with your tax professional if you think the proposed changes are incorrect.

You must respond to a CP2000 notice by the due date because a CP2000 serves two purposes: an initial request for information and a letter proposing a change in your taxes. Include a statement in your response saying that, if the IRS disagrees with your response, you request a conference with the IRS Office of Appeals. If you don’t, you may lose your right to appeal.

Learn exactly how to address an IRS CP2000 notice.

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