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Fraudulent Tax Return

1 min read

1 min read

IRS Definition

A victim of identity theft or a person authorized to obtain the identity theft victim’s tax information may request a redacted copy (one with some information blacked-out) of a fraudulent return that was filed and accepted by the IRS using the identity theft victim’s name and SSN. Due to federal privacy laws, the victim’s name and SSN must be listed as either the primary or secondary taxpayer on the fraudulent return; otherwise the IRS cannot disclose the return information. For this reason, the IRS cannot disclose return information to any person listed only as a dependent.

To make the request, you will need to complete a Form 4506-F, Request for a Copy of a Fraudulent Tax Return, and mail along the required documentation to the following address: IRS Fresno, CA 93888-0025.

More from H&R Block

If you are a victim of tax identity theft and someone filed a tax return using your Social Security Number, the IRS will now allow you to see some of the information included on that fraudulently filed return. You will need to complete and file IRS Form 4506-F, Request for a Copy of a Fraudulent Tax Return. Include a copy of a government issued ID (driver’s license or passport) to prove your identity.

You can request a fraudulently filed tax return for the current tax year and the previous six years. Some information will be redacted (blacked out), but you will be able to see what personal information of yours the identity thief had.

Learn how to address tax identity theft and refund fraud.

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