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H&R Block Submits Comments to Congress for IRS Tax Commissioner’s Hearing

1 min read

1 min read

February 05, 2014

H&R Block

Earlier today, the U.S. House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing featuring IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. The hearing served as an opportunity for members of Congress to discuss some of the IRS’s ongoing programs as the 2014 tax season kicks into high gear.

As the world’s largest consumer tax services provider, we at H&R Block closely monitor regulatory and legislative activities in Washington, DC and across the country to assess the implications for the individual taxpayer.

As part of this ongoing effort, we submitted comments to Congress to the Committee, which you can find a copy of here: Ways and Means IRS hearing – William Cobb HR Block

They include specific ideas that we believe would help to enhance the IRS’s efforts in two specific areas including: improving the administration and efficiency of tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit.

We are committed to assisting Commissioner Koskinen, the IRS, and other policymakers with efforts that help provide the best possible tax experience for our clients, and will continue to be a part of the conversations that help make those decisions.

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