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Block Advisors, H&R Block partner with Uber to help drivers get their taxes won

3 min read

3 min read

March 22, 2017

Mobile app, retail offer and tax talks address drivers’ complex tax needs

Block Advisors and H&R Block (NYSE: HRB) are offering those who partner with Uber, the technology company that offers an application to connect riders with drivers, a discount on tax preparation services and other unique benefits. People who drive with Uber in the U.S. will receive a discount of $25 off the tax preparation service or free Tax Identity Shield if they file in a Block Advisors or H&R Block office, or discounts of up to 35-percent off tax preparation if they file with H&R Block Online. Drivers who partner with Uber also can use H&R Block’s new TaxEdgeSM iOS app to prepare and file their taxes with a tax professional through their mobile device. Block Advisors tax advisors also will be available at Uber Greenlight locations to talk to drivers about how they can maximize their tax outcome.

“The complexity of the self-employed tax return coupled with the valuable business deductions they can take is a perfect example of someone who H&R Block can help get their taxes won,” said Jason Houseworth, chief innovation officer at H&R Block. “Expert advice and guidance from a tax professional can help make sure they are getting every credit and deduction they deserve.”

TaxEdge app unique option for people who drive with Uber

Uber driver partners can prepare and file their taxes with an H&R Block tax professional directly from their mobile phone with the new TaxEdge iOS mobile app. Launched earlier this year, the tax preparation service is integrated with Uber’s software application to automatically bring driver partners’ 1099 tax data into the tax return and categorize it to help driver partners get the most accurate return. Uber driver partners can then work with an H&R Block tax professional specially trained to help rideshare drivers who will complete and file the return.

Consumers with a typical Schedule C tax return pay a tax preparer an average of about $500. However, TaxEdge by H&R Block has a $199 price point to file both a federal and state tax return. Plus, TaxEdge combines H&R Block’s data analytics with a tax expert to help ensure clients don’t miss any deductions.

Tax talks provided by Block Advisors at Uber Greenlight locations

dBlock Advisors’ tax talks provide the Uber driver partner community with free expert tax advice from the industry’s best tax professionals about tax preparation, personal finance topics, self-employment income and expenses, and more. With Block Advisor’s partnership with Uber, tax advisors will host more than 200 tax talks at Uber Greenlight locations across the country. These tax talks cover important tax topics for Uber driver partners such as self-employment tax, what deductions driver partners may qualify for, quarterly estimated tax payments, and options for filing a tax return.

Tax complexity – and benefits – increase for the self-employed

Drivers who partner with Uber are independent contractors and therefore may face complex tax requirements. They may be able to deduct certain expenses for running their business, like the cost of vehicle licenses, mileage, car repairs or gas. This is a valuable benefit of being self-employed but requires additional documentation.

How to claim the tax prep benefits

To qualify for either offer, driver partners must present a valid coupon, which will be provided to them by Uber. Uber driver partners may schedule an appointment with Block Advisors online, or by calling 1-800-HRBLOCK.

To download TaxEdgeSM by H&R Block visit the Apple Store or www.taxedge.com.


About H&R Block

H&R Block, Inc. (NYSE: HRB) is a global consumer tax services provider. Tax return preparation services are provided by professional tax preparers in approximately 12,000 company-owned and franchise retail tax offices worldwide, and through H&R Block tax software products for the DIY consumer. H&R Block also offers adjacent Tax Plus products and services. In fiscal 2016, H&R Block had annual revenues of over $3 billion with 23.2 million tax returns prepared worldwide. For more information, visit the H&R Block Newsroom.